From the home page we click on "Search" and then select "US Federal Census" on the right hand side. The searchable censuses range from 1790 to 1930.
After selecting 1930 we type in George's name. There are 192 results. We trim that down by entering a birth year of 1895 +/- 2 years. This time we get 15 results. The eighth result down is George H Ruth living in Manhattan, NY. Clicking on the icon to the right brings up the actual image.
George is living at 345 W. 88th Street. The head of household is Carrie Merritt, age 59. Her sons are Eugene (38) and Hubert (34). George is then listed as the son-in-law to Carrie. He is 36 years old born in Maryland and his occupation is Baseball. Listed below Ruth is

George Ruth cannot be found in the 1920 Census. Perhaps, we can find out more information about his wife's family for that year. The 1930 Census indicates that George's wife and mother-in-law were born in Georgia. We searched to 1920 Census using the name Carrie Merritt and entering Georgia for her place of birth. We get 6 results. The last one listed is in Manhattan.
Carrie (47) is living at 219 W. 80th Street. She is widowed and born in Georgia. Her da

This is as far as we can go for finding George Ruth in Census data. There is a restriction of over 70 years before a census is made available to the public. 1940 should be available in 2012. We could use census data to map out George's parent's families prior to 1900. For now, we will keep this project simple.
Next time we will take a look at some city directories.
NEXT POSTING: City Directories
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